Islam itself refers to peace. Religious teachings do not destroy peace. Islam is a combination of beliefs, actions, and habits. It is an ideal way of life that benefits both oneself and others. It creates an opportunity to live peacefully without disturbance. Islam makes people peaceful and tolerant.
To be a religious believer, perform its rituals, or live according to its culture, you do not have to attack or demoralize others. Allah desires peace in the universe and among His creations.
The structure of the universe is amazing. Its movements, stillness, and circulations are sequential, without knocking and kneeling. It is important in Islam's precepts that humans, among the many creatures on earth and a tiny fraction of the universe, should not cause trouble. It is in a peaceful world that a Muslim is more comfortable performing his duties. In the event of a breach of peace, the duty of a Muslim is to restore peace.
There are many verses of the Qur'an against causing trouble. Verses with the ideas "do not cause trouble," "do not follow the corrupters," "Allah does not like the corrupters," "the corrupters have a bad outcome," "the troublemakers do not take advantage," "do not walk in trouble," "do not keep causing trouble," etc., are contrary to causing troubles in any sense. It is true that no lesson in Islam causes a breach of peace.
Tenets of Faith
In Islamic philosophy, matters of faith are the foremost elements of belief. There are six core tenets: faith in Allah, faith in the angels, faith in the scriptures, faith in the Prophets, faith in the Last Day, and belief in judgment. Believing in these six, along with their associated and subsidiary aspects, is related to freedom of choice. It has nothing to do with human activities. Understanding this belief does not require the presence of any physical organs. The faith within will be positively reflected through human actions in all spheres.
Faith in Allah
Belief in Allah, one of the core tenets of faith, makes a person a humble servant. This belief inspires one to lead a life of obedience, adhering to His judgments. A believer will strive to know about Allah. Allah, who created and cares for the universe, asks those who benefit from His provisions to believe in Him and become Muslims. His mercy is so immense and vast that He even protects those who do not believe in Him properly. Thus, the faith that Allah is Rahman (Most Merciful) instills mercy in the believer.
According to Islam, Allah is merciful. He is the creator of mercy. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught that one should believe in Allah and must be merciful. Only a hundredth of the total mercy that Allah has created is present in the universe. The expressions of love and affection found in living beings are manifestations of this mercy. Allah has reflected the feeling of compassion in living beings to varying degrees. All these are just a part of that hundredth. Innate compassion is a natural quality in species. In humans, mercy must become an acquired quality. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "Have mercy on those who are on earth, and Allah will have mercy on you."
The essence of this teaching is that one should show mercy even if others cannot respond similarly, and Allah will reward such actions with His mercy. Mercy or compassion is the source of virtuous habits because it is special among the bounties of God. Love, affection, and kindness are the products of mercy.
The expression 'Manfil Arli' in the above-mentioned Hadith has a broader meaning. It is clear from other Hadiths that the pronoun ‘mann’ refers to the vast world of life. A Muslim believes in Allah, the One who created mercy. It is suggested that mercy should be used without miserliness. The promise is that the benefits of mercy will return to the believer. In what sense, then, would a Muslim become an aggressor? Which faith will he strengthen by attacking others?
Faith in the Angels
Angels are a special category of creation, usually hidden from the human eye, including those assigned specific missions in the universe. Faith in them is important because we are often unaware of their presence. There is no need for any kind of violence or breach of peace for the sake of faith in them. The duty of the angels is full of mercy.
It was the angels who delivered messages to the Prophets, appointed to save mankind from darkness. Among them are those in charge of natural phenomena such as rain and wind. There are angels who protect us from accidents and those who support us at different stages and needs of our lives. The angels are not wrongdoers; they are our helpers in the divine plan of mercy. Those who believe in them do not become unjust for that reason.
Faith in Scriptures
It is obligatory for a Muslim to believe in the scriptures, the books of guidance which Allah has given to mankind. The belief in the scriptures, sent down to proclaim the mercy of Allah, the Rahman, inspires us to act mercifully. There is no need for violence to believe in them. Allah says that the Qur'an itself is a mercy. The Qur'an, which has been sent down from Allah, Rahman and Rahim, should only shower mercy. History tells us how the Qur'an even shaped Umar, who was harsh in nature. He lived his later life as a symbol of compassion and generosity.
The Companions of the Prophet are those who heard the Qur'an directly and received practical training in its lessons. The warmth of their kindness and mutual love is historically famous. Even when there were differing positions among the Companions (who were qualified to draw rulings from the Quran) on certain occasions, they calmed down when a call for reconciliation was based on the Quran. Some people opposed those who ended conflicts by accepting the Quran. They became the basis and role models for those who later misused Quranic verses and attacked them. Contemporary incidents should be read as an annexure to this.
Background knowledge is essential for understanding Qur'anic concepts. The most dangerous tendency in misinterpretation was translating the Qur'an merely by using a dictionary. In fact, the Qur'an has made clear what it guides to and what Allah invites to through it. "It leads to the most right" (Al-Isra' 17:9). "Allah calls to the House of Salvation" (Yunus 10:25). The way of rebellion is not that of the Qur'an. The abode of peace is inaccessible to wrongdoers. Those who believe in the Qur'an and accept its teachings cannot be wrongdoers or justify wrongdoing.
Faith in the Prophets
The Prophets are those specially selected from among human beings and appointed by the Creator. Their task was to convey to mankind a message from Allah, and every messenger brought the true religion to the people. Accepting them, believing in them, and following them is part of faith. There is no need for violence or attack as part of this belief. Those who believe in the last messenger, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), also believe in the prophets of the past. They cannot even doubt the prophethood of any past prophets. Therefore, none of them were problematic in contemporary society. They were liberating the oppressed and the exploited. None of their followers resorted to rebellion or violence because they believed in the Prophets.
It is clear that there is no violence or activity that disturbs the peace as part of believing in Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Moreover, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is a part of Allah's mercy. The Qur'an says, "We have not sent you except as a mercy to the whole world." The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "I am a gift (hadya) from Allah." The life of the Prophet is an open book. Clear descriptions of that sacred life are available. There is nothing in it that shows the Prophets incited or encouraged violence.
The Prophet is a gift from Allah to the believers, but his mercy is for all creatures. It is because of his mercy that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was able to conquer and rule the hearts of millions. There is no need for the path of violence to believe in this mercy. Those who believe in all the prophets, including Prophet Muhammad, never become wrongdoers and also possess noble qualities such as love, kindness, and mercy.
Faith in the Last Day
Believers accept that there is an end to this world and that there are stages of existence in heaven or hell afterward. Heaven is not achievable through violence. None of the actions prescribed for ultimate success involve violence. Living a life that is beneficial to everyone and everything is what is prescribed for ultimate success. There is a lot of good news in the Prophet's words about those who do many good deeds, indicating that they are the heirs of paradise and may be filled with goodness.
Much has been taught about the reasons for becoming an inhabitant of hell. None of these reasons produce positive outcomes; they are all harmful causes such as violence, injustice, and denial. Anything that disturbs the peace is prohibited, and specific punishments may be warned for some actions. Among those instructed to enter paradise and be freed from hell, no acts of violence can be seen. In short, those who believe in the Last Day prefer a peaceful life over violence.
Faith in Destiny
All things in the world are subject to the decree of Allah. All good and evil that befall us, and all our joys and sorrows, are the decree of Allah. Believing in this judgment is part of faith. Since we have freedom of will, we do what we choose, but it is based on Allah's decree and His power. The failure of what we wanted to achieve despite our hard work, and not getting what we desired, signifies our weakness and the strength of God's judgments. A believer exalts the sovereignty of God, His power, and His majesty. Any motivation for violence does not stem from faith in destiny.
There are books that describe how these six matters of faith and their associated essentials are to be believed and what their motivations are. Faith encourages one to remain disciplined as a humble servant of God, a point in His universe. There is no justification or principle for creating unrest by elevating religious belief or its symbols.
Things about Islam
There are five fundamental rituals for believers, which must be practiced with self-motivation.
The first of these is the testimony of faith, or shahadat. This is the foundational element of being a believer. It involves acknowledging the truth of the phrase "la ilaha illallah" (there is no god but Allah) with the mind. The testimony that Allah alone is God and that Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is His messenger includes recognizing that all lessons received from Allah through the Prophet are true. By accepting this absolute truth, the believer adopts a humble attitude, free from violent sentiments. Therefore, belief in Allah and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is devoid of selfishness.
The five daily prayers (Namaz) are a clear and important sign of faith. Namaz is more than a ritual act; it instills self-discipline and increases devotion by focusing the believer on one thought. Life's journey includes various experiences, such as recognition, acceptance, respectability, humiliation, success, failure, rise, and fall. Praying frequently humbles a person before a supreme master, providing confidence and peace of mind. The Qur'an states that prayer prevents heinous deeds and hateful actions. Those who pray will not join the ranks of wrongdoers and the arrogant. The hadith explains that "while he is a believer, he does not steal, he does not commit robbery" (Abu Dawud), indicating that prayer protects the believer from such bad situations and helps them stay away from evil deeds. Violence and harassment are not part of maintaining Namaz.
Giving Zakat
Zakat is an obligation related to wealth. It requires the rich to give a portion of their wealth to designated heirs. There is no irregularity in giving what the heir is entitled to; on the contrary, it brings help and happiness to the recipient. Fulfilling the obligation of Zakat reflects a good attitude towards the intermediary and purifies one's wealth. The poor also have a good attitude towards the donor, who helps alleviate their difficulties. Sadaqah, an optional gift encouraged by Islam, also conveys love and happiness.
Fasting during Ramadan is mandatory for those who meet the conditions. Fasting involves self-discipline, care, and spiritual purification. It helps believers understand others' sorrows and creates positive social and cultural reflections. Fasting does not lead to indecency or violence; there is no prescription for the validity of fasting that involves violence.
Hajj Ritual
Hajj is mandatory for those who are financially, physically, and situationally capable. Pilgrimage to the house of Allah is a great deed to seek redemption from sins and transgressions. There is a condition that no creature should be harmed. Therefore, an act of perfect discipline and self-control like Hajj cannot cause violence. In summary, there is no need for violence to believe and perform the rituals of Islam. Violence does not originate from these motivations.
Prayer is the greatest supplication of a servant to Allah and is inherently non-violent. One of the most important prayers after Namaz says, "Peace be upon You, O Allah, and from You is salvation and peace. To You is the source of salvation. Lord, give us life in security and peace. Admit us into the house of salvation and peace." When Muslims meet each other, saying 'salaam' is a prayer for peace and good wishes.
Eman Branches
As social beings, believers face various relationships and situations in life. They must obey many laws and judgments, and there is an opportunity to earn good in such times. Even when taken and evaluated individually, these laws create personal or common goodness. They consist of service, discipline, or duty performance and do not encourage unethical behavior, unrighteousness, or transgression.
To protect one's identity and perform rituals, a believer needs an atmosphere of peace. Conflicts do not contribute anything positive. Those who misinterpret the teachings of Islam and the example of the ancients are mistaken. A disciplined Muslim plays an instructive role through their life. Those who justify riots and violence are misleading about the real Islam. Instead of approaching issues emotionally, believers need to cultivate a habit of thoughtful expression. In short, nothing in Islam promotes rebellious or inferior sentiments.